
LanguageTool Plugin — Grammar and Spell Checker for Trados Studio and general LanguageTool topics

Video tutorial shows the entire setup process in detail. Setting up the LanguageTool Plugin For Trados Studio has never been so easy. Give LanguageTool Plugin a try, it's really worth it.

New Video Tutorial: How To Setup the LanguageTool Plugin

New Video Tutorial: How To Setup the LanguageTool Plugin Setting up the LanguageTool Plugin For Trados Studio has never been so easy. Unlike most other Trados Studio plugins, the LanguageTool Plugin itself is not enough to work. The LanguageTool Plugin requires Java (specifically the Java Runtime Environment, JRE) and the LanguageTool package (LT) to work. The installation of these …

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New online user's guide for the LanguageTool Plugin For Trados Studio

New Online User’s Guide For LanguageTool Plugin For Trados Studio

New Online User’s Guide For the LanguageTool Plugin For Trados Studio Finally, after a very long time, I have published an online user guide for LanguageTool Plugin — Grammar And Spell Checker For Trados Studio. The user’s guide contains essentially the same information as All The Essentials PDF document, which is available directly from the …

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Jedna wtyczka LanguageTool. Trzy scenariusze

Jak pewnie wiecie, wtyczka LanguageTool Plugin łączy program Trados Studio z serwerem LanguageTool. Do tej pory wtyczka LanguageTool Plugin obsługiwała jedynie lokalną instalację serwera LanguageTool oraz darmowy serwer publiczny LanguageTool. Od wersji do Studio 2019 wtyczka obsługuje także serwer/usługę LanguageTool Premium. Oto porównanie trzech scenariuszy użytkowania:

LanguageTool Plugin for Trados Studio

LanguageTool Plugin for Trados Studio finds grammar errors in a translation Why should you use the LanguageTool Plugin for Trados Studio? Even the best translator makes mistakes. Short deadlines, machine translations, and other factors create favourable conditions to making mistakes. Probably, you happened to overlook an error that normally you would not made because you …

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One LanguageTool Plugin. Three scenarios.

As you know, the LanguageTool Plugin connects Trados Studio with LanguageTool. Until now, the LanguageTool Plugin has only worked with the local installation of the LanguageTool server and possibly with the public LanguageTool server. The latest version (since 2019) also supports the LanguageTool Premium. In addition, the support for the public LanguageTool server has been greatly simplified. Here …

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New LanguageTool Plugin for Trados Studio 2021 and 2022

What is New I developed the first version of the LanguageTool plugin in 2016. I did it because I needed it for my work. Are you surprised? Well yeah, I’m a translator. Unlike most other Trados Studio plugins, the LanguageTool plugin itself is not enough to work. The LanguageTool plugin requires Java (specifically the Java …

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